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Wednesday 22 June 2016


Another father has been jailed for killing his own young daughter.  Nobody can feel anything but profound sorrow.  Apparently there has been an inquiry into how this evil man was granted custody.  This time it seems that the usual suspects were blameless.  The agencies involved did all they legally could to protect this unfortunate child. It would appear from reports that the judge involved in awarding this future child killer custody had been advised of his violent history and in her judgement went further than the law required in ensuring that all agencies and personnel involved with the child be informed of his absolute innocence of a charge of violence against his daughter for which he had been previously jailed.  The judge retired very recently; so recently that it was just three weeks before the killer went on trial.  Perhaps that was a coincidence; perhaps not.  Investigation by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office cannot now take place.  Earlier this year it became policy that police officers could not escape investigation for misconduct because new regulations prevent their retiring or resigning to avoid dismissal. In the very sad case of Ellie Butler with the words of her grandfather who cared for her for several years and who predicted her coming to harm  surely it behoves those with the authority to enquire into the perverse decision of Mrs Justice Hogg to return Ellie to the care of the man who killed her.

1 comment:

  1. The criticisms of the judge appear to concern the correctness of her judicial decisions. These would be outside of the JCIO's remit even if she had not retired.
