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Friday 31 October 2014


All on the bench cannot fail to occasionally have had deep sympathy for finding a parent or guardian guilty of failing to ensure a child`s school attendance or having to sentence for such an offence.  Recent publicity on a few such cases has brought the problem to a wider audience.  The sentencing decision of colleagues at Plymouth  in just such a matter resulted in a pregnant woman being given 60 days immediate custody.  This outcome is highly unusual and no doubt will be picked up by various lobby groups as an example of our draconian laws leading to unnecessarily high rates of incarceration. 

I doubt my colleagues will face a similar situation for a very long time.


  1. But already under a suspended sentence and also failed to appear previously.

    As always, there is more to the story than is reported.

  2. Good to see a previously suspended activated. All too often, it is not.
