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Thursday 1 October 2015


Joined up government is a well used phrase.  It is simple and self explanatory and more often than not it isn`t achieved.  Smoke gets in your eyes and more significantly although less lyrically it gets in your lungs.  There is no doubt at all that children can be seriously affected by second hand smoke whether in cars or the living room.  Living rooms are private. Cars drive on public roads so today the government announces with pride that it will be illegal for a smoker to light up in a vehicle where there is also sitting an under eighteen year old.  A laudable attempt one might think to protect these juveniles until it comes to policing the miscreants.  Police have said they won`t be doing so because, not unreasonably they argue,  they have more important matters to pursue eg burglars and other assorted individuals intent on doing harm to people or property and the resources to satisfy these priorities have been cut to the bone and often through the bone.  

"Yes Prime Minister" should have been viewed by the new Labour leader for inspiration re Trident.  This latest carry on must be on the ideas short list if there is another series of "The Thick Of It". You couldn`t make it up.

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