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Friday 10 February 2017


I doubt there will be many tears at the forthcoming exit from Scotland Yard of its Commissioner Hogan-Howe.  His  revelation accidental or calculated of a proposed date for the visit of  President Trump will have angered both the Prime Minister and her successor at the Home Office no end. His presence will not be missed. There was scandal at the Met before Hogan-Howe, during his tenure and at his leaving. Its whole structure needs investigation.

1 comment:

  1. Cerainly does. We all remember the days of upright Police Commissioners some of whom are now in the House of Lords. They must look back on their own times and sometimes wish they could have another crack at it. Not to say everything was right in their days and some things were brushed under the carpet. Public perception of the Met police is at an all time low and that saddens me greatly but I agree with you that some sort of enquiry needs to see exactly what is wrong. Must be tightly controlled though and must report in 2 years max.
