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Wednesday 1 March 2017


The arguments have started.  They were inevitable. When a senior cop gives an opinion to the media to explain why we can`t expect his force and others to enforce the law on paedophilia all manner of abuse comes his way. People in his position and in others, notably the....oops.......sorry......I should have used the now all encompassing term OUR NHS, really mean that they have had their budgets cut so near to the bone that coping with all their legal responsibilities has become nigh on impossible.  

Decades ago in appropriate circumstances I voiced the opinion that at some future date the poorest populations of the world would want a share of the wealth that we have taken for granted and that since that wealth is not infinite it would require greater input from us to weather the storms to come.  In simple terms if the state cannot increase growth fast enough individuals or state run businesses would become poorer.  That storm enveloped us years ago and we still have not found a way to a safe harbour.  Nit picking about funding the NHS and social care and education  privately by individual contribution  or using the state to collect the required monies and dish it out to those (most) in need is as big a problem as negotiating a suitable Brexit.

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